Chariot of Whispers

I shall ride thee like the wind

Above the verdant hills and glittering river in the vale

Onward past the starlit earth

My sister-moon has limned

With Faery-light and dappled shadows hence we two shall sail


I've dreamt of such adventure

Many times -- again last night

When jasmine bloomed from deep within the fantasy sleep brought

But could not then imagine

Such a tranquil easy flight

As this, when I am far above the mundane world of thought


Chariot of Whispers

I shall ride thee like the wind

Above the verdant hills and glittering river in the vale

Onward past the galaxies

That beckon us within…

But take me back to Earth someday, so I may tell the tale

©1999 - 2024  Mary Barnett / Moodesigns